-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- [ To: cypherpunks ## Date: 01/21/98 ## Subject: Re: (eternity) Eternity as a secure filesystem/backup medium ]
Subject: Re: (eternity) Eternity as a secure filesystem/backup medium From: Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk> Date: 1998/01/18
1. communications crypto used by the author in submitting the document is broken
This is only a threat if the authorities have a good idea who submitted the data, and want to prove it. Otherwise, you end up with billions of encrypted documents, each encrypted with a moderately weak cipher. (Even assuming that the cipher turns out to have only 40 bits of strength, this is too expensive to do for more than a handful of documents.)
2. the eternity architecture contains encrypted documents to frustrate attempts to locate documents, and to hide the contents of documents from individual servers
Again, this won't be too economical unless the eternity service is rarely used.
3. communications crypto used to request and deliver documents is broken thus revealing the readers identity
So it is useful to design upgrade paths for ciphers into the protocols where possible.
Definitely--this is always a good idea, right?
Other approaches we could take are to use very conservative cipher key sizes and protocols combining multiple ciphers in ways which gives us the security of the best of the ciphers.
For example:
R = random, C = 5DES( R ) || blowfish-484( M xor R )
Where 5DES is say E-D-E-D-E with 5 independent DES keys.
Constructs to combine in strong ways hash functions, macs, symmetric and asymmetric ciphers would be useful. Is there much research in this area?
Yes. Massey and Maurer did a Journal of Cryptography paper titled ``The Importance of Being First,'' which says that in any chain of encryptions with different ciphers and independent keys, such as E_1(E_2(E_3(data))), the whole thing is provably as strong as the first cipher used on the data (E_3, in my example above). This is really obvious, when you reflect that an attacker can always try to break data encrypted with E_3 by superencrypting it with E_1 and E_2, and then mounting his attack on E_1(E_2(E_3(data))). Of course, if keys aren't independent among the three ciphers, then you don't get any guarantee of this kind. The other thing to note is that if you're just generating keystream sequences, as you would with RC4 or SEAL, then all ciphers are ``first.'' Rivest and Sherman also did some work on randomized encryption, of the kind you discuss, in the Crypto '82 proceedings. Your construction is very similar to one of theirs. Let M = message and R = a message-sized random number, then in E_1(R), E_2(R XOR M) both E_1 and E_2 must be broken to learn M. (Imagine this isn't the case, then either E_1 or E_2 wasn't broken. If you didn't break E_2 but broke E_1, then you only learn R, which is useless to you--it's random and uncorrelated with M. If you broke E_2 but not E_1, you would have a message encrypted with a one-time pad.) This generalizes nicely to E_1(R1), E_2(R2), ..., E_N(RN), E_{N+1}(R1 XOR R2 XOR ... XOR M). If those random numbers are really random, then if any one of those ciphers resists your attacks, the message can't be recovered. Now, you can also do this with things that approximate random functions, which they also discuss. Thus, you might use: f_1(),f_2(), ..., f_n() are N independently-keyed different cryptographic functions that approximate random functions. The funny thing is, if you instantiate this intelligently, you get a message encrypted by N different stream ciphers, perhaps with a random parameter per message thrown in during keying of those ciphers. Thus, suppose s_1(K1) = RC4(K1) s_2(K2) = 3DES-OFB(K2) s_3(K3) = SHA1-Counter-Mode(K3) s_4(K4) = Blowfish-OFB(K4) s_5(K5) = SAFER-SK128(K5). and that these keys are different per message and are all independent. Then, you get the result that M XOR s_1(K1) XOR S_2(k2) XOR ... XOR s_5(k5). leaves no way to recover M unless all five s_i() can be guessed. Note that, in practice, this isn't likely to be useful unless you've done the same kind of thing for symmetric key distribution, random number generation, etc. Otherwise, your attacker in 2050 will bypass the symmetric encryption entirely and factor your RSA modulus, or guess all the entropy sources used for your PRNG, or whatever else you can think of. The good news, though, is that active attacks (like chosen input attacks) and many side-channel attacks (e.g., timing attacks) turn out not to be possible if you are trying to mount them after the encryption has been carried out.
- --John Kelsey, kelsey@counterpane.com / kelsey@plnet.net NEW PGP print = 5D91 6F57 2646 83F9 6D7F 9C87 886D 88AF -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBNMeCqSZv+/Ry/LrBAQGxpgQAloxNjdZMf6l/7U520ZSIVuk7lFZcu0+J 5tUyQgHtS4EAplC1OBnYc8B3pzCir6VCXinmNbClgalXhrRFfmV7vTQLZySaVv/+ 0T44TFkJ0Ldu4cTsA2ertL0jcCXiBp38mhVK2IFbPtN+04B+een8jrUYtzx/qIj5 ztBpBb4yil8= =wBTR -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----