gee, gcc seems to always do teh trick for me when I want to compile some C..... Then again, if I was to say linux to you, you would prolly run in ph33r ... so, why don't you call bill up and ask him to send you a free version of Visual C++.... so that you too can crank out useless winblowz code... Latez JD On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, Nalus Optic wrote:
Tis I, D, again...I just have one other question...Could some of you tell me what C compilers you use...Also, could you just tell me every program you would have that has anything to do with crypto if you had the cash? I guess one would need a C compiler, a hex editer maybe, are there any crypto programs that are sort of like templates, where you set the paramiters and the program compiles the encryption for you...Pipe dream I am sure...
That is about it...
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