On Sunday, September 16, 2001, at 06:59 PM, Eric Cordian wrote:
Tim wrote:
I'm not saying parachutes will ever be banned. For one thing, no way to.
Recall that gas mask possession, sale, and transportation was criminalized in the city of Seattle during the "state of emergency" declared for the WTO festivities.
This was during the time you couldn't open the window without pepper spray wafting in.
Homework Exercise: Could someone list all the "executive orders" signed by various Presidents that are now in effect because Bush declared a "National Emergency", along with what unconstitutional power they confer and to whom?
You might want to check Michael Froomkin's page. Several years ago he did a paper on executive orders. I could be wrong, but I believe he said some of the worst of the suspensions established by Lincoln himself were technically still on the books, including suspending habeas corpus (meaning, holding without production of evidence or reason for holding). --Tim May