----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph Forsythe" <ralph@centerone.com>
To: "Lori Banks" <Lori@bornagn.com>
Cc: "Multiple recipients of list" <cypherpunks@openpgp.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: Excuse me, Mr. Blank Frank

> These programs are not what I'd consider to be hacking programs, per se.
> They are not gaining illegal access on anything, or doing any damage.  He
> might be royally annoying some people on the net, but that's about it.
I agree that it's not specifically hacking ... yet .... it's the principle behind it -- the gaming site sets up certain rules, he doesn't like the rules and goes around the rules to do what he wants .... not only does he do that for himself, but he then, puts his unban program on his website and invites other people to break the rules with him ... now, seriously, would you allow your daugther to participate in an activity that she's been banned from and then allow her to set the example before others and encourage them to do the same thing? .... I guess you wouldn't call it ... illegal ... here's another instance .... he actually boasts that he has "hacked" into other peoples' computers ..... isn't that computer space private property -- would you want someone snooping through your files??  Granted, he doesn't do it for destructive reasons ... I believe that he's just seeing if he can .... and ... actually, in the long run ... if he is to protect computing environments that he is responsible for ... it's good to know how the enemy attacks to prevent being attacked -- which is his defense .... but it's mostly the idea of ... trespassing into others' private space and the principle behind it..... what's your opinion on that, please?  OK --- I'm putting this in bold just so its' easy to read ... if, in cryptographic circles this means something (:0) ) ... no intent here ... gotta watch these guys on the list .... I'm coming in peace with a white flag ....
> Actually, kudos to your son ... You have to understand that most people
> using the programs like your son's have never taken the time to learn how
> they work, but just download them and use them.  Very few people take the
> time to write the code themselves; to learn how the processes take place,
> or why what's happening is the way it is.
yes ... he's very motivated and for that I am encouraging him ... I do not want to crush his desire to learn and educate himself .... he's got a gift for computing and the curiosity to learn -- and, he's not involved with alot of the other junk out there that a majority of teens are these days ... for that I am very thankful.... I believe that has to do with his raising.  He knows that his life is special and wants to work towards what will benefit him and others most within the will of the Lord.
> I'd imagine quite a few people on this list have, at one time or another,
> written programs that do things to piss people off, but in the end cause
> no real harm.  Some of us have written programs to crack password files
> even, just to "see if we can".  That doesn't mean we're out there
> downloading passwords and breaking into sites worldwide.  (Well, most of
> us anyway...)
... snicker, snicker .... I understand this .... I just happen to be one of those people that would rather serve others than cause them stress and such ... but the "if we can" ... is typically living on the edge ... cracking Pandora's box just to see what might be in there ....
> To be honest, it's exactly because I was able to tinker and try these
> things out that I have a good paying job in the computer security field,
> am respected by my peers, and continue to accomplish new things.  I
> *absolutely* look back on my past and feel accomplishment.  If your son
> was posting script kiddie crap like "I 0wn j00 l0053r5" (I owned you
> loosers, in english) on web sites that would be different.  He's already
> above that.  And that "hackers oath" is also exactly what defines the line
> between maliscious and constructive behavior.
.... I want him to look back at what he does and feel that same accomplishment .... he did get the term "lamers" off of some of his zone friends ... are you familiar with that gaming website ... zone.net?  Any information one way or another about it's content, environment, etc ... what I've seen is not that great.

> I don't know you, and I don't know your son.  But at least in regards to
> this, DEFINITELY encourage him to keep at it if he likes it.  He'll likely
> land a great job someday because of it.  Just make sure he knows where to
> draw the line between constructive learning and illegal activity that
> tends to make cops come to your house...
> (Man I just feel all warm and fuzzy all of a sudden....)
.... thanks for the time .... I've enjoyed your comments ....
Mrs. Banks

> - Ralph
> On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Lori Banks wrote:
> > Mr. May,
> >
> > Actually ..... he tells me that he hasn't forgotten it at all .... he says
> > that he knows that he should allow me to have access, that he's being
> > stubborn, and that he doesn't know why he's not giving it up ... must be a
> > "Hackers Oath" or something that's not allowing him to divulge it ... I
> > think that he's hiding something personally .... something that will hurt
> > our relationship -- what he doesn't realize, of which I've tried dilligently
> > to explain to him is that I love him unconditionally -- whatever he's got
> > ... I'm in there for the long run and we'll be  better people when we
> > resolve the conflict!!  ... I understand certain temptations, desires, ect
> > ... of course, I haven't told you that he has developed a hackers website in
> > which he has made some wonderful programs ... beautiful programming, I mean
> > ... but they are programs that flood the chatrooms -- "just to see if I
> > could do it" ... and a ban program ... "they banned me for flooding and I
> > just want to play the game ... so I had to create a ban program" ... see, I
> > told you that he's very bright!! .... just want to see him use it for a good
> > purpose ... one that he can look back on and feel accomplishment.....  so
> > does this light give anymore fuel to someone's thoughts?
> >