-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- hi! here goes: i'm tring to put on our campus (my university) one machine to make the gateway betwen radio amat. and the internet.. at the begining it may be only e-mail, and web. I'm thinking in using a linux on a pentium, conected with one or two baycom modem conected to the radio, and running a tcp packet radio network. In the machine, i put squid, or other proxie server for web, a pop mail and a connection to our moo (atlantis.fe.up.pt 7777). first problem: how to make the autentication ? every one in the the packet radio network gets all packets... i was thinking in using secure shell, but i only get one machine, and if i get, say, 15 users, i don't get the cpu power to manage all that stuff. second problem: i want to gerate free acounts/free e-mails automatic for the radio ham. where can i get all this software? BTW, i'm in europe, portugal. anyone have any electronic hardware (not expensive), to speed up the autentication (without fancy chips that nobody have ..) ? please reply to me with your sugestions, flames, etc cheers Pedro -- ______________ +------------------------/___________ /\------------------------------+ | Peace, love and \ ________/ / / "It is impossible to love | | 8 hours of sleep! ;-) \ \ \ / / / and to be wise." | | \ \ \ / / / Francis Bacon | | Pedro David Polonia \ \ \/ / / | | Pgpfinger: 5E 98 1D 8D C1 \ \ \/ / E3 88 A1 1E EC 73 F9 88 2B 8F 64 | +-----------------------------\ \ /-----------------------------------+ \_\/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv Comment: free your mind... iQCVAwUBM7mVT8+REMAvhl6hAQGYUgP9Gy6URrwcEg4p3gChfi8lpHrrJdR0aB24 PzzrwW/k2J6UpncPFYKYyTX/Jg/riajTpyOb5Qpjt2/4FZ3OK34IDFekD3mhTNFf 2zpKMlR2+ZBROTQCPiWtfVo9/IZeQCJYgI9dey5inL0xTh+egM5KcNpfn4Wsqp/d R2QUKxpHPcc= =+8jL -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----