It's not worth the effort. It's not worth the effort. It won't make a damn bit of difference. Oh, fuckit. On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 04:57:15PM -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Sunder wrote:
Since capitalism is a meritocracy (Those who work eat;
That is certainly a good definition of 'commerce', it is not accurate for 'capitalism'. Capitalism represents the belief that $$$ is the primary goal in life. That he who collects the most is the best. That all things can be reduced to a 'price'.
No. Capitalism is a meritocracy. *Commerce* is simply a label for that class of activities that include all forms of resource transfer from one entity (person, company, nation, world) to another. Some of those are meritocracies, such as capitalism. Others are not - true communism is one example, almost any form of "planned economy", welfare. As for your definition of capitalism - lay the crack pipe *down*, and slowly step away. Capitalism, pure and simple, is the idea that competition and market forces will solve problems. Price of bread too high? Someone will open a cheaper bakery. Too many bakeries for the market? Those with the weakest support and poorest quality will fail. That's all. Everything else is an add-on. It's a meritcracy because emotion and sentiment are not supposed to enter into the equation - either succeed or fail, based on how well you compete. Period. Reality is not that simple, but then, reality seldom is.
It is a faulty assumption and a warped view of humanity. As are yours.
Hello Mr. Pot, and how are you today? What's that? Who's black?
I'm beginning to think that Mr. Choate should never, ever, be allowed to declare a discussion finished or claim to have the "last word". -- Matt Beland