I found this at a local half-price bookstore. I purchased a copy for myself and was wondering if any of you wanted one. I do not intend to make any money off of this, I am simply doing it as a favor for fellow crypto-enthusiasts. I believe it would make an excellent companion to "Applied Cryptography". The tone is what you would expect from IEEE Press; more theoretical than A.C., not shying away from the discrete mathematics but without losing sight of the subject, either. There is some mention of the uses of cryptography applications like tamperproofing nuclear monitoring equipment, and other relatively cool stuff. It is apparently a brand new, undamaged book, sold for half price, or about $45. I'll sell it for what I will pay, plus s/h (your choice of carriers), plus COD charge if not prepaid. It is on hold for me until Saturday, so email me soon if you're interested. Here is the original blurb: http://www.ieee.org/ieeestore/compbk.html#pc2717
An all-in-one guide to the science of information integrity...
Contemporary Cryptology: The Science of Information Integrity
edited by Gustavus J. Simmons, Sandia National Labs Albuquerque, NM
This original source book covers all aspects of the subject with emphasis on the cryptographic elements. In addition to being an introductory guide to the latest developments, this volume provides the engineer and scientist with algorithms, protocols, and applications.
Copyright 1992/Hardcover/656pp List Price: $89.95 Member Price: $77.00 IEEE Order No. PC2717-QAJ ISBN 0-87942-277-7 -- Travis Hassloch / travish@dejanews.com / http://www.dejanews.com Deja News System Defenestration Group / "When news breaks... we fix it" PGP key C7FDD3D5 fgpt 7A 48 DD 46 E6 7F 11 E7 8F 7E 53 9A DF 33 9E FA