"Philip A. Mongelluzzo" <phimon@ix.netcom.com> writes:
How do we deal with child pornography and free speech in such a way as to allow both to exist and insure our children are not exposed to pornographic material until they are at a maturity level where they can deal with it?
A battle that must be won without killing the enemy to insure continued free speech. Quite a challenge I think. Now, do you have any idea how to do that?
When I was twelve years old a man stepped out of the proverbial dark alley in my small hometown and offered me twenty dollars to give him a blow-job. I said no. In retrospect, if he had offered me a thousand dollars, I might have recognized the value of free speech at a much earlier age than I eventually did. Also, my parents used to let me go to out-of-town hockey games with other kids and Father Flanigan, admonishing me, "Don't let him stick his hand in your pants." I didn't. Today's world may seem more dangerous, with a greater chance of children's contact with unknown entities/weirdos, but I find it hard to believe that there is greater saftey to be had by keeping children ignorant of information that goes beyond this or that boundary of morality/integrity/world-view/lifestyle. If your children see a picture of a young child with a dick in his or her mouth and don't see anything wrong with it, then I don't think the problem is with the picture. TruthMonger TruthMonger