-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- You know, even though current ecash uses on-line clearing, it is only necessary for the _payee_ to be on-line at that time. Thus it is entirely possible with current ecash for a payer to load his portable computer up at home with e-coins and then make a purchase a convenience store on the way to work _without_ having a networkable computer. Well-- I mean the computer needs to communicate with the convenience store, but it doesn't need full-scale Internet access. Does anyone on cpunks or ecash have an Apple Newton? I know that they come with infrared-- what are the specs on that communications device? And about the Newton itself: can it compile ANSI C code? How much RAM? Permanent storage? Speed of crypto operations? Thanks, Bryce #include <stddisclaimer.h> /* I don't speak for anyone but myself. */ - -----BEGIN GOODTIMES VIRUS INNOCULATION----- Copy me into your .sig for added protection! - ----- END GOODTIMES VIRUS INNOCULATION----- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2i Comment: Auto-signed under Unix with 'BAP' Easy-PGP v1.1b2 iQB1AwUBMZ4wY0jbHy8sKZitAQG/TAMAlF1WftbM8UT1+AUvZJBuX7BimZUOtRqg 2vWYVW2ADuKvntXdsDV0NqSq05/sqDZmhh/iOUmB6bWl22FUrwBbzk2gedUbB1w2 330B6pa1IU1Q5IluNIE2IKFkMZ/KHJ9m =5W5l -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----