Choate wrote:
crypto-anarcy <> anarcho-socialism <> crypto-capitalism
That's part but not all. Anarchy is not an absolute, only an opposition to the prevailing archy whether capitalist, socialist, capitalistic-socialism, socialistic-capitalism, and their mealy-mouthed democratic-communistic- oligarchic-theocratic precursors, successors and variations. Anarchy is wonderfully chameleonic, which is why it is the favorite cloaking for undercover agents of the all the rest. And best, there are no leaders, only those who disavow being leaders and thereby reveal their true colors. True leaders, a contradictory oxymoron, never preen, are never courageous, never perform exceptional actions, would never call attention to themselves so ineptly, and do not exhibit exhibitionistic characteristics such as lecturing and preaching to obsequious non-followers how to follow obediently without orders being issued. At least that is what the anarchist bible commanded before it became discredited by overspin. Then came the prefixes to fix that with branding. Now those prefixtual brands get hammered, rightly so, and leftly so, so what, so easy, so ignorant. Old Time Anarchy was invented by authoritarians to entrap firebrand fools. Not much has changed. Old fools hustling the youngsters. This is not a confession merely, but a bible quote, or I forget which list this is.