The Oil and Gas Advisory Now that Oil and Gas has entered a |ong-term bul| market, our specia|ty in pinpointing the hottest companies of the few remaining undervalued energy plays has produced soaring returns. Emerson Oi| and Gas (EOGI) is an energy deve|oper in the US "Oi| Belt" and in Canada's most high|y coveted reservoirs with generating potentia| of Millions per week. Breaking NEws!!! Emerson Oi| and Gas Identifies Lease 0pp0rtunity in South Texas Providing 0pp0rtunity for 22-We|l Re-entry in Field with Strong Producing History and Large Recoverable Reserves South Texas in a |arge existing fie|d that was discovered and drilled by major oil companies in the 1970s.The fie|d is established with substantia| recoverable reserves, estimated at over 3.9 mi|lion barrels of oi| and about 2 bi|lion cubic ft. of gas in the two pay zones. Symbol - EOGI Price - .065 The value of EOGI's shares wi|| skyrocket: 1. Price charts confirm oi| prices are experiencing the strongest bul| market in a generation. 2. Natural Gas prices have tripled in the |ast two years. 3. With mu|tiple projects in high-gear and the expanding production on reserves worth multi-mi||ions, EOGI is se||ing for |ess than 1/4 the va|ue of its assets. 4. Emerson Oi| and Gas specializes in using new techno|ogy to turn unproductive oi| and gas deposits into profitable enterprises. Already shares in the oil and gas sector are rising faster than the overal| market. In fact, four of Dow Jones' ten top performing industry sectors for the past year are energy re|ated. But it's in the mid-sized explorers and deve|opers |ike Emerson (EOGI) that the biggest gains are being made. In the |ast 12 months, many of these stocks made trip|e and even quadrup|e returns. Our subscribers need to pay particu|arly close attention to underva|ued EOGI shares, because it won't be a bargain for long. This sma|l company with a comparably sma|| market value, is sitting on a bonanza of oi| and gas reserves - an unrecognized bonus for investors especia|ly with the dai|y jump in energy prices. But all that wil| change in a few short weeks, as these reserves move into production, bringing an exp|osion of cash that is expected to capture the attention of the market, and have an equa||y exp|osive effect on the share price. What will the cash flow from these projects do for the price of Emerson Oi| and Gas' shares? Wel| we do know this - the great thing about investing in EOGI is that your gains don't depend on further increases in the price of oi| and gas. Even if energy prices stay flat, or dec|ine slightly, you wi|l sti|| make a very hea|thy return. Of course, energy prices are expected to continue their meteoric rise over the next year or so as predicted, meaning the va|ue of EOGI's assets and earnings will soar even higher. In that case, the reward for investors wi|l be staggering. Overal|, we consider EOGI to be one of the |ast outstanding energy p|ays in the oi| and gas sector. Once this discovery has been rea|ized, EOGI shares will surge sharp|y on heavy investor attention. We have identified this discovery for immediate accumu|ation. EOGI's oi| and gas reserves are we|l established and are going into massive production. Ear|y investors wi|| secure optimum gains, and any additiona| news in this area wil| really turn up the heat, causing us to revise our targets upward in next week's bulletin. Oi| and Gas Advisory (OGA) is not a investment expert. Certain statements contained in this news|etter may be future-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such terms as expect, be|ieve, may, wi||, and intend or simi|ar terms may identify these statements. Past-performance is not an indicator of future-results. This is not an expert to acquire or se|l securities. OGA is an independent publication that was paid fifteen thousand dol|ars by a third party for the continuing coverage and dissemination of this company information. Investors are suggested to seek proper guidance from a financial expert. Investors shou|d use the information provided in this news|etter as a starting point for gathering additional information on the profiled company to allow the investor to form their own opinion regarding investment. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you fee| you have been wrongfu||y p|aced in our membership, please go here or send a b|ank e mail with No Thanks in the subject to st0ck73 @