At 9:14 PM -0700 6/4/97, frissell@panix.com wrote:
Yes, some pathetic strange little boys swaggering around in never-never land. Lonely individuals with shriveled hearts, stunted morals, and feverish imaginations, who brag contemptuously of their superiority over "sheeple", and boast of their heroic roles in the coming revolution.
I hope you're not referring to Lucky, or Time May, or me. Lucky has a successful career in a computer-related field. Tim was exceedingly well- integrated into the work force at Intel and did a great deal of valuable and lucrative work for them. I am married with four children (who I never sent to a government school) and get along well with a host of friends and co-workers. I have achieved a modicum of success as a writer and speaker. I happen to be a neo-victorian myself.
Why is it that when someone like Al Gore expresses strong and extremist views as he did in "Earth in the Lurch" (or whatever that book was called) no one ever claims that he is " a pathetic strange little boy swaggering around in never-never land. A lonely individual with a shriveled heart, stunted morals, and a feverish imagination."
Like I said, Duncan, Kent Crispin is in that terminal phase of simply insulting the list in any way he can...which is apparently pretty feebly. Perhaps he can contract with Vulis to use the 'bot Vulis uses to post his daily ASCII art insults. Imagine it: Everyday we could see a Crispingram: "Timmy Peter Pan May is just another strange little boy swaggering around in never-never land." By the way, this is why I urge some caution in criticizing Phill Hallam-Baker. Phill is a liberal and anti-gun person, and perhaps even a Clinton supporter. (Gasp.) But he, while as abrasive on his issues as we are on ours, seldom resorts to the kind of puerile criticism Crispin uses. Hell, some of my best conversational friends are commies! (Dave Mandl, for example) (Those who have a deeper understanding of anarchy, whether anarcho-capitalism or more leftist variants, tend to understand that the underlying similarities are greater than the differences. Though I favor unrestricted free markets, I understand that corporate agents, like Microsoft, PGP, and RSA, will seek advantage anyway they can, and are a threat in any statist system. Anarchy lessens their power in more ways than one. I will continue to fight my left-anarchist friends on issues like gun control and freedom of association, but we seem to agree that reducing power of central governments remains a good thing.) --Tim There's something wrong when I'm a felon under an increasing number of laws. Only one response to the key grabbers is warranted: "Death to Tyrants!" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, tcmay@got.net 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^1398269 | black markets, collapse of governments. "National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."