17 Dec
17 Dec
6:17 p.m.
Hello! On 16 Aug 96 at 18:04, Mike wrote:
Don't cash the check yet. It's security by obscurity using the highest quality "unpublished algorithms" and up to a 48 byte key phrase.
In Hong Kong, the Chinaman has the perfect way to describe a situation like this. He will say, "Hey friend, a roach this big won't simply jump in the streets for you to catch."
He's only willing to send out the free version by return snail mail - no Net access...Snip..snip....
The guys behind PGPn123 tried the same snail mail stuff recently. The response was so bad they gave up after a while. Anyway, let's see what will happen in this case, but it's truly pathetic and ironic to think of snail mail in this cyberonic age. Later... Roach