Adam, To answer a few questions... <snip>
(I forget name, but there is a non-governmental paramilitary group on other side to IRA in NI, occasionally there is rumor that British Army
The Loyalists tend to be either UFF (Ulster Freedom Fighters) or UVF (Ulster Volunteer Force) plus there will be various other groups too.
is feeding this paramilitary organisation names of IRA suspects to hit, to save them the trouble).
Some Scottish people want home rule (Scottish Independence Party?),
Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP)
ps Paddy is generic name for an Irishman, a haggis is a stuffed part of sheeps anatomy, a peculiar highland delicacy, nick name for Scotsman, leek is a vegetable, some kind of Welsh emblem, and used as
Haggis is a stuffed sheeps stomach (I always thought that 'Jock' was the English nickname for Scots?)
name for Welshman. Scots call English Sasenachs (I lived in Scotland for a couple of years, you get so you can understand what it is they're saying after a while :-)
Likewise. I've only been here 3 months and still can't understand the local yokel accent. -- A Scotsman living and working south of the border. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David Lucas - Test Engineer @ SCO Cambridge. E-mail: davidlu@sco.com Opinions expressed within this message are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my employer * I am not a lawyer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~