Ryan Anderson <randerso@ece.eng.wayne.edu> writes:
On Sat, 21 Jun 1997, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
Please elaborate, as I can't see _any_ problem with eliminating 90% of the sitting legislature.
You've completely missed my point. This would be an on-going problem. Congress can only function with some idea of compromise in it.
Then Congress should be eliminated. There is no excuse for the CDA rider and my (now ex-)representative who voted for that bill was voted into office on a campaign of ending politics-as-usual sorts of things like that. Bah! Good riddance to bad rubbish to the whole lot of them. Tim May is right. I don't wish compromise, I only wish to be left alone. Why is that so hard for people in Washington DC to understand? Right now I have two senators: Dianne "No problem giving government contract money illegally to my husband" Swinestein and Barbara "No money in my checking account? I guess I'll just have to write another one" Boxer and congressional representative Walter "I cannot think of any government program which should be eliminated" Capps. The American government is broken.