Ashcroft is on TV now, saying he was pleased the appeals court found Microsoft guilty of monopoly practices. Dig the "Deceiving Java developers" section of the ruling. ---- 5/7/2001 # Microsoft to Put Digital ID Into Its Products # --------- -- --- ------- -- ---- --- -------- # # Microsoft plans to incorporate a user-identification approach # into its operating systems and software products, and the company # says the change could speed up business-to-business transactions # and increase the level of confidence in those online transactions. # # The user-ID system, known as Identrus, employs a technology for # identifying people and organizations online through the use of # digital signatures. # # Under the Identrus system, those digital certificates will be # certified by banks, an extra measure of security that Microsoft # says should enhance the public's trust in online transactions. # # Microsoft said it was designing many of its new business products, # including Windows 2000, Microsoft Outlook, and the software in # its new .Net line, to work with the Identrus system. # # The system was developed by Identrus L.L.C., a company formed # by a group of major banks... # #