where did you here that they had SMG's I was told they had Sig 551's (an assault rifle) alpha ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sandy Sandfort" <sandfort@mindspring.com> To: <cypherpunks@lne.com> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:41 AM Subject: RE: Killing the G8 Anarchists
Tim May wrote:
And even in Switzerland, my understanding is that the rifles issued to each male head of household (maybe single moms, but I doubt it) are kept IN THE HOUSES, not in shops and businesses and factories. Some of them might have carried their rifles to their businesses, though.
Fortunately for the Swiss, Tim has it pretty much wrong. Switzerland and pretty much universal mandatory military service for males. The mandatory part is offensive, but the result is that military personnel are usually issued submachine guns which they keep--along with ammo and the rest of their gear--in their home so that they can be called up quickly if necessary.
In addition, the Swiss have a high level of ownership of personal weapons. Kids regularly take their .22 rifles to school for approved shooting activities and business owners are often armed to the teeth. (Ask Duncan about an eye-opening visit to the back room of a Swiss restaurant.
Have you ever hear of a bank robbery in Switzerland? In most Swiss banks, tellers are armed. They consider it their duty to chase down any bank robbers that make it out of the bank alive. Don't fuck with the Swiss.
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