From: jim bell (in response to Dimitri Vulis') Look, I've proposed what I consider to be a remarkably consistent method to prevent the kind of political tyranny that you criticize, and I don't see any recognition of this fact. ........................................................ 1) Jim, why do you insist on discussing this on an forum for encryption? 2) Why do you suppose the Iraqis haven't already thought of doing this themselves? 3) The Mafia uses this method all the time - why then haven't they achieved a more rational society among themselves? 4) Weren't governments (like the U.S.) instituted to prevent this sort of thing (even if they don't work out as expected)? i.e., there were systems of courts and lawyers and such instituted to openly deal with "criminal" activity so that a) people could receive assistance against low-life degenerate killers, and b) it could be proven that the accused were indeed deserving of punishment. Humans being what they are, this hasn't worked like it's supposed to, but the point is that there is a reason why such ideas for systems of justice were introduced in the first place. That reason, as I eloquently read in a book, was "So That Reason May Live". That is, so that people who choose to live in a "society" may do so by the method of solving problems through the application of intelligence, rather than merely knocking each other off because a voting majority decides they don't like someone. Destructive people often ascend to positions of power not simply because they are ruthless, but because they have 1) many sycophantic followers and 2) many ignorant, vulnerable people unable to prevent it. You might be able to kill off one Saddam, but potentially many others would be waiting in the wings to take his place. The situation surrounding the existence of someone like Saddam is part of the contributing factors which keeps him there, not simply that one man himself. It was the same with Hitler and with so many others - they don't just have an excess of "power" concentrated within themselves which puts them in positions of control over others - there will have been many people who will have helped put them there, expecting to derive benefits from it. And what will be done about all those people who made this "power" possible? You don't just kill the one man and be done with it - you have to also "kill" the conditions which maintained him. .. Blanc