Anonymous <nobody@REPLAY.COM> writes:
On behalf of the non-racist cypherpunks, please accept an apology for Paul Bradley's racist message:
uneducated and foolish arabs such as Parekh should stick to what they do best: running kebab shops and/or selling cheap fake rolex watches to tourists.
This does not reflect the mainstream view on the list. Cypherpunks understand that disparaging the racial background of others is a weak and invalid form of argument.
While it may be appropriate to criticize actions taken during the list moderation experiment, casting the issue in racial terms only reveals the ignorance and bigotry of the writer.
Politically correct shit like this reveals the stupidity and the ignorance of its writer. no wonder he hides behind an anonymous remailer, afraid to sign his own name on such crap. However his writing style is unmistakable that of the cowardly liar Sandy "moderator" Sandfart (spit) from C2net (a boot-licking employee of the smelly Arab crypto-snake-oil peddler Sameer Parekh (spit)). ObHateSpeech: Kill all faggots and/or politicians. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps