Jim wrote:
No, I said that on average once the LEA had your photo AND you had ever had a state issued photo ID that it would take about three days for them to find your picture.
So in other words, there is no citation to back up these fanciful claims.
I'd suggest getting subscriptions to the government and LEA trade mags.
Since you seem to be implying that these trade magazines are the source of your fanciful claims, please give us a specific foundation. Making silly claims and then saying, "look it up" when challenged is intellectually dishonest, lazy or both. S a n d y _____________________________________________________________ If the law of gravity is fundamental, why cant it be changed by Constitutional amendment since its the primary authority? W W \*\ /*/ The Road Kill Group |*| |*| /*////|\\\\*\ |\- (|||||||||||||\((x)\ -======-------------||---:> (|||||||||||||/((x)/ \*\\\\|////*/ |/- |*| |*| /*/ \*\ M M