Raymond D. Mereniuk wrote:
Now we have cheap oil. Big powerful vehicles are back and we are not embarrassed to consume energy any more. I have no idea where society is heading but I do like have a more powerful vehicle which capable of passing a vehicle already doing 65 MPH.
What pisses me off is that in NYC the gas prices are ridiculous high... $1.35/Gal is the regular gas, drive just a few miles over a tunnel or bridge to n NJ, it's $1.00 or $.99 depending on which pump you hit... go a bit south, say VA, and in some areas it drops as low as $0.87 a gallon! Shit, if it weren't for the tolls and the drive, I'd be getting my gas out of NYC all the time, but doing so wastes enough and costs enough in tolls to not make it worth the effort... Just out of curiosity what are prices around where you guys live?
The whole Greens or tree-hugger thing is a bit hypocritical. Ask them if they have electrical appliances in their home and the answer is always yes. For a number of years the Greenpeace fundraisers would show up at the door asking for money to battle the forest industry and the evil pulp mills which used chlorine in their bleaching process and they would have white paper in their clipboards.
Yep... saw one at Barnes & Noble a while ago bitching about how he got a plastic bag. We'll, if he's worried that plastic is bad for the environment, he should worry about the murdered tree in his hand that he just purchased... Ditto for militant vegans... it's one thing to do it for health reasons, it's another to be an asshole about killing fuzzy animals.. hey veggies are alive too. If you're gonna murder veggies to live, (whose growth results in the death of millions of insects who would devour the veggies if not for insecticides) you may as well quit being a hypocrite and murder animals too... The only way for a consciencious objecting vegan to not be a hypocrite is to simply stop eating and drinking and breathing... after all, every time he does so, he inhales, ingests, or otherwise murders billions of microbes... :) (Whenever someone asks if I have special dietary needs, I say "I'm a carnivore, make sure you've got plenty of red meat!") :) By far the worst is the recycling law in NYC. If you don't recycle your trash, you get fined. If a homeless bum sticks his hand in a recycling bin and grabs a paper he gets arrested for theft of government property, etc... If someone throws a can of soda in your trash bins infront of your house, you pay a $50 fine... A while back some may remeber the "Toilet Escrow" thread... yep that too has hit New York. Every toilet in our apt building was exchanged for one that supposedly saves water... Whatever the political and economic kickbacks were, it now takes an average of three flushes to sink a bowlful of turds... My math says that's a lot more wasted water than the single flush of the old toilet. -- =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian |Prying open my 3rd eye. So good to see |./|\. ..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com|you once again. I thought you were |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were.... |..... ======================= http://www.sundernet.com ==========================