Igor Chudov wrote:
Bill Stewart wrote:
At 11:11 PM 11/13/1997 -0600, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
Anyone know of a WORKING site where I can download premail from? kiwi...berkeley is refusing connections.
Also look at www.publius.net
Nope, all of these sites refer me to kiwi, which is refusing > connections.
kiwi is NOT refusing connections. It is just not there. There's a difference. The host: http://kiwi.cs.berkeley.edu/ does not respond to connection requests to port 80, nor 8080, nor 8001. Ping yields "Host lookup failed - Non-authoritative host not found." The browser indicates it is trying to contact, which can mean anything up to and including that it is awaiting a cascading name lookup, but has not yet opened a TCP connection to the target. I'm guessing kiwi is Raph's computer in Computer Science and that maybe it is hosed. Maybe Raph has been hosed... "(WHAP!) Tell us the name of your leader! (WHAP!) Talk! (WHAP!)" Maybe Raph will turn up one of these days writing plaintive notes of contrition. Maybe... oh, never mind. Oddly, while Raph has a home page at www.cs.berkeley.edu and at atropos.c2.net/, all the critical roads seem to lead to kiwi, including the mixmaster list. Search engines show precious few references to critical remailer files except in the links that point to the dead host. Is it really this easy to make the whole remailer network go stale -- like cutting off jet fighter spare parts to suddenly unfriendly nation-states? Wouldn't it be prudent to mirror the remailer lists, keys and stats at a few dozen places scattered around the world? Would it take more than a few percent of the effort and time that have recently been pissed down a hole writing and reading the flames that have consumed the list of late? Hmmmm?