John Kelsey <> writes on cpunks:
1. communications crypto used by the author in submitting the document is broken
This is only a threat if the authorities have a good idea who submitted the data, and want to prove it.
If we assume that the document was submitted by mixmaster remailer, and that there is another leap forward in factoring algorithms such that 1024 bit isn't enough any more. (Not like it hasn't happened before cf Rivest & friend's original predictions of hardness of RSA-129). Now threat model is that NSA is archiving mail between mixmaster nodes. They observe which exit mail corresponds to the target document. They look at the set of mixmaster mails going into that node which could plausibly have corresponded to that message as determined by the pool size. Repeat to get back to originator. If we assume 100 message pool size (probably generous) and chain of length 10, that is 1000 decryptions which adds equivalent to 10 bits worth of symmetric key size. Paranoid stuff yes, but the NSA mixmaster traffic archive doesn't seem that unlikely. It is interesting to note that Tim May's recent suggestion of LAM (Local Area Mixes) would help here because if 5 of those mixmaster nodes where part of a LAM, it is unlikely that the NSA would be able to archive inter remailer traffic, thus increasing effective pool size to 100^5. So one advantage of the LAM approach is that it provides links which are protected by physical security. A user might like to amuse himself trying to use channels he suspects will not be archived as the entry point. Perhaps a disposable account at a high volume free mail account like hot mail might be nice. We would like to push NSA's problem towards having to archive the entire net traffic.
2. the eternity architecture contains encrypted documents to frustrate attempts to locate documents, and to hide the contents of documents from individual servers
Again, this won't be too economical unless the eternity service is rarely used.
The design criteria of efficiency and robustness are conflicting. Our problem is to design something with useful tradeoffs. Probably a system offering a range of trade offs so that low risk documents can make use of more efficient but less secure services, etc.
M XOR s_1(K1) XOR S_2(k2) XOR ... XOR s_5(k5).
leaves no way to recover M unless all five s_i() can be guessed.
Note that, in practice, this isn't likely to be useful unless you've done the same kind of thing for symmetric key distribution, random number generation, etc. Otherwise, your attacker in 2050 will bypass the symmetric encryption entirely and factor your RSA modulus, or guess all the entropy sources used for your PRNG, or whatever else you can think of.
Yes. We need to build constructs for all areas. A mega hash would be nice, with a large output size even in the face of birthday attack, preferably as secure as a collection of hash functions. That gives us something to wash our pseudo random number input entropy with, and then we can go on to combine public key systems. A problem with public key systems however is that there isn't a lot of choice -- basically all based on discrete log or factoring. So perhaps RSA and DH combined in a construct with an optimistically proportioned key size would be near all that could be done.
The good news, though, is that active attacks (like chosen input attacks) and many side-channel attacks (e.g., timing attacks) turn out not to be possible if you are trying to mount them after the encryption has been carried out.
A variation of this is that if we can get widely deployed blanket encryption (IPSEC), we have largely won because we can mix all sorts of things below that envelope, and the NSA is reduced to archiving some large proportion of network traffic. Our task is then to design protocols which aggresively rekey (earliest opportunity) and which maximise the number of nodes which the NSA would need to archive traffic between to recover traffic with future cryptanalysis. I suspect archiving world Network traffic would pose something of a operational and financial strain :-) Adam -- Now officially an EAR violation... Have *you* exported RSA today? --> print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc`