At 11:03 AM 9/20/96 EDT, Brian Hills wrote:
Thought this would be appropriate to the list
Unfortunately, this message needs to be propagated to protect all of us.
Note: Lexis-Nexis is only accepting written or fax requests.
You can go to their web page (http://www.lexis-nexis.com), click "Just In" and request via email that your name be removed from their database by filling out the form. Problem, of course, is that one doesn't know if one's name and info is in the database unless one is a subscriber and can look it up. I, personally, do not feel comfortable in filling out a form with my personal info and sending it along - 1) for the obvious reasons; and 2) what if I'm not even in their nefarious database? If not, then I've just entered my personal info and sent it on its merry way to whomever and wherever unnecessarily - whether by email, fax, or snail mail. I tried just entering my name, email address, and state but, as anticipated, received a msg that ALL info has to be supplied, so I'll chk with someone I know that has an account to see if my name is there. However, the BIGGEST problem I foresee with this database (and others like it) is that someone eventually is going to hack it - and then watch the fun and games ensue. ********************************************************** Lynne L. Harrison, Esq. | "The key to life: Poughkeepsie, New York | - Get up; lharrison@mhv.net | - Survive; http://www.dueprocess.com | - Go to bed." DISCLAIMER: I am not your attorney; you are not my client. Accordingly, the above is *NOT* legal advice. **********************************************************