On Friday, November 16, 2001, at 09:08 PM, Steve Schear wrote:
At 11:20 PM 11/16/2001 -0500, you wrote:
\Divide the U-235 into two five pound masses. Beat it evenly into the inside of one of your salad bowls. U-235 is malleable like gold so you should have no problem shaping it. Do the same with the other U-235 mass and shape it into the other salad bowl.
My recollection is that all Uranium metal isotopes are much harder and denser than steel. That's why depleted uranium 238 its used for armor piercing ammunition.
Gold is malleable AND is denser than steel. Uranium is NOT malleable AND is denser than steel. The main reason for using DU in armor-piercing shells is the sheer density. The bomb instructions Joe provided are as accurate as most recipes in "The Anarchist Cookbook." (A book my local Sheriff's Department banned in 1970.) --Tim May, Corralitos, California Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." --Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.