On or About 8 Apr 97 at 21:05, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote: On or About 8 Apr 97 at 21:05, I think it was Igor who wrote:
will pay nothing and let Bob sue the forger for the lost income. (This may become moot as more and more ISPs ignore forged cancels.) This gives Bob the insentive to spam intelligently - not to trigger any cancelbots and not to have his plug pulled by his ISP.
Right, but this is where a tool comes in that lets you post a seemingly "on topic" post to hundreds of newsgroups with the "Drink Kaka Kola, Elect John, etc." in the sig file. This also makes it harder for an article to be canceled, I imagine. Or you can do it by hand. I am sure that in a 40 hour week I could post seemingly "On-Topic" to many newsgroups. Hell, I'm doing this on a minor scale right now. Bob just needs to be *really* smart. And if he has a good relaitionship with his small, local ISP, then he can proceed as normal. Hell, I never get complaints anymore. Yet, every time I post I advertise my company. Then: On or About 8 Apr 97 at 21:05, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
After Alice's bot finds an eligible Usenet article, it should wait a week or so to see if it was cancelled or superseded before issuing a payment. If it's cancelled, then instead of payment it should send a notice saying: "Your article with message-id blah posted to blah contains a message that I'm paying to promote. I would have paid you $n e-cash, but unfortunately a cancel has been issued for your article: <quote cancel>" That should get Bob pretty mad at the 3rd party canceller. :-)
Boy, I would be pissed off if I was Bob. This is definitely the scary end of the internet. Most people will never even know about this rash of first amendment violations, that you are calling "forged cancels" and "plug pulling". I am so glad I fell into these groups when I joined the net just about 20 months ago. Funny thing is, it's right where I belong. I always speak my mind and have been known as a trouble maker in the workplace.
Alice needs to maintain a map of (poster,newsgroup,regexp) to # posts; when it reaches 100, stop paying this poster. I think 100 mentions by the same poster is way past saturation.
Ross: yes, unfortunately the spambot is on the back burner right now, but I definitely will finish it eventually.
Well, it seems to me that this is where this conversation is leading. The technology you are talking about here, without talking about it, is quite exciting to me. I'll be reading. Still looking for HP Vectra RS input, Ross =-=-=-=-=-=- Ross Wright King Media: Bulk Sales of Software Media and Duplication Services http://www.slip.net/~cdr/kingmedia Voice: 415-206-9906