On Wednesday, April 9, 2003, at 11:58 AM, Eric Murray wrote:
In a move that should not be a suprise to anyone here, Sen. Orrin Hatch has introduced a bill to repeal the sunset clause in the Patriot Act, making it permanant.
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/ 2003/04/09/MN257910.DTL
Yes, in the Permanent War on Some Dictators, we need permanent police state measures. Bush faces a tough decision: roll east, or roll west. Since Syria is more decrepit in its armaments, as Iraq was, it will be the likely target. But first we need to prepare by floating rumors that Saddam's missing "WMD" (not found by the U.N., not found by the swarming soldiers) must have been spirited out to Axis of Evil Founding Member Syria. The Permanent War helps the defense contractors, helps the Republicans, and helps Israel. What more can we ask? (Don't answer this unless you've checked with the text of the Homeland Security Act and PATRIOT Act to see if your answers make you an "illegal combatant.") --Tim May