Here's the performance rating given to McCain by the special interest groups. The percentage figure is the %votes in agreement with the position(S) of the group.
From Vote Smart, http://www.vote-smart.org/congress/105/az/az-sr-a/az-sr-ar.html
Performance Evaluations by Special Interest Groups Issue Area Year Percentage Evaluating Organization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abortion/FamPln 1991 100 Justlife Education Fund (Abortion) Abortion/FamPln 1993-1996 0 Planned Parenthood Abortion/FamPln 1996 0 National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action Abortion/FamPln 1996 86 National Right to Life Committee Business 1995-1996 100 National Federation of Independent Business Business 1996 95 Business-Industry Political Action Committee Business 1996 100 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Children 1995 6 Children's Defense Fund Chr.Fam. Issues 1991-1992 100 Christian Voice Chr.Fam. Issues 1995-1996 100 Christian Coalition Civil Rts/Lib 1991-1992 0 National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Civil Rts/Lib 1993-1994 0 Human Rights Campaign Fund Civil Rts/Lib 1995-1996 10 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Civil Rts/Lib 1995-1996 22 National Association for the Advancement of C Civil Rts/Lib 1996 18 American Civil Liberties Union Conservative 1995-1996 74 Conservative Index Conservative 1996 95 American Conservative Union Consumers 1996 43 Consumer Federation of America Contractors 1995 100 Associated Builders & Contractors Crime 1995-1996 0 Citizens United for Rehabilition of Errants Defense/Foreign 1991 15 Professional's Coalition for Nuclear Arms Con Defense/Foreign 1991 40 JustLife Education Fund (Arms Reduction) Defense/Foreign 1993-1994 100 American Security Council Defense/Foreign 1995 17 Peace Action Defense/Foreign 1995 30 Campaign for U.N. Reform Defense/Foreign 1996 9 Council for a Livable World Economic Policy 1991 40 JustLife Education Fund (Economic Policy) Economic Policy 1994 90 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Totals) Economic Policy 1995 90 The Libertarian Party - Economic Freedom Economic Policy 1996 87 The Republican Liberty Caucus Education 1993-1994 9 American Federation of Teachers Education 1995 0 National Education Association Education 1995-1996 0 U.S. Student Association Env./consumer 1995-1996 11 U.S. Public Interest Research Group Environment 1994 78 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Environment Environment 1995-1996 11 League of Conservation Voters Environment 1995-1996 75 Fund For Animals Farm 1991-1992 20 National Farmers Organization Farm 1993 56 National Farmers Union Farm 1993-1994 89 American Farm Bureau Federation Farm 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Agriculture Gun Issues 1993-1994 0 Handgun Control, Inc Gun Issues 1993-1994 100 National Rifle Association Health 1995-1996 41 AIDS Action Council Health 1996 7 American Public Health Association Immigration 1996 15 American Immigration Control Immigration 1996 25 Federation for American Immigration Reform-Se Labor 1989 0 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League Labor 1989-1990 50 National Federation of Federal Employees Labor 1991 40 American Postal Workers Union Labor 1994 0 United Food & Commercial Workers Labor 1995 0 United Auto Workers Labor 1995 8 AFL-CIO Labor 1995 12 Communications Workers of America Labor 1995 12 The Teamsters Labor 1995 30 Transportation Communications Union Labor 1996 0 American Federation of State, County & Munici Labor 1996 5 American Federation of Government Employees Liberal 1995-1996 5 National Committee for an Effective Congress Liberal 1995-1996 38 Public Citizen's Congress Watch Liberal 1996 0 Americans for Democratic Action Libertarian 1995 70 The Libertarian Party - Combined Score Populist 1995 20 Liberty Lobby Poverty 1996 14 Bread for the World Property 1995-1996 100 League of Private Property Voters Regulation 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Deregulatio Seniors 1995 0 National Council of Senior Citizens Seniors 1995-1996 20 National Association of Retired Federal Emplo Seniors 1995-1996 29 National Committee to Preserve Social Securit Seniors 1995-1996 94 The 60 Plus Association Social Policy 1991 40 National Association of Social Workers Social Policy 1995 7 Network Social Policy 1995 50 The Libertarian Party - Personal Freedom Social Policy 1995-1996 8 Friends Comm. on Nat'l Leg. (Senate) Social Policy 1996 0 Zero Population Growth Social Policy 1996 62 The Republican Liberty Caucus Taxes/Spending 1991-1992 100 National Tax-Limitation Committee Taxes/Spending 1994 85 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Spending) Taxes/Spending 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Budget) Taxes/Spending 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Taxes) Taxes/Spending 1995 48 Concord Coalition Taxes/Spending 1995 88 National Taxpayers Union Taxes/Spending 1995 89 Citizens Against Government Waste Trade 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Trade) Veterans 1989-1990 50 Vietnam Veterans of America Women 1989-1990 5 National Women's Political Caucus Women 1993 20 The Woman Activist (Senate) Women 1995-1996 0 American Association of University Women Women 1995-1996 75 Concerned Women for America