Things get serious in alternate-namespace land... ____________________________________________________________________ Before a larger group can see the virtue of an idea, a smaller group must first understand it. "Stranger Suns" George Zebrowski The Armadillo Group ,::////;::-. James Choate Austin, Tx /:'///// ``::>/|/ ravage@ssz.com www.ssz.com .', |||| `/( e\ 512-451-7087 -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 15:24:47 -0800 (PST) From: "Bradley D. Thornton" <tallship@tallship.net> Reply-To: orange@dns.list To: orange@dns.list Cc: orange@vrx.net Subject: Re: leah getting sued Sorry Joe, I'm no longer at liberty to discuss this matter. There's a leaker on this "Private" list and I just got contacted by an Australian Barrister with a full copy of my post to this list, and no word as to whom may have forwarded it. To bring a piece of sobering reality to the leakage on a private list just let me point out some earlier jokes from last week where I was the object. "ver didst you put zee microfeesh Vladimer?" Not always as funny as that is it people? So I may start up my own cc list of people on this list of people I "Think" I can trust. On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, !dr.baptista wrote:
good question - bradley?? did the nice begal identify himself?
regards joe
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Dan Steinberg wrote:
SO? My original questions still stand; who? what? where? when? why?
all you have done is find a venue...
"!dr.baptista" wrote:
i've changed the subject line - the other subject was geeting confusing.
the australian courst are a bit like the canadian courts - one good example is the ontario court general division which in it's wisdom has decided anything to do with the internet that affects a canadian is subject to their jurisdiction. and if for any reason you can't defend yourself - bingo - your guilty.
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Dan Steinberg wrote:
Yes but all that was about the threat of Leah being sued. not about them having grounds to sue others. My point was that someone (cant remember who) figured she was about to be sued and I was scratching my head wondering (even in the US) how they could come up with something?
"Bradley D. Thornton" wrote:
On Tue, 12 Dec 2000, Dan Steinberg wrote:
Dan wrote something in html or something, so it didn't come up in the quote, but...
You mentioned irreparable harm.
Isn't Atlantic Root Network Inc., (Leah and Karl) being harmed by the publicity of people offering "pre-registrations" for .biz when there aren't any, and have never been any "pre-registration" programs for a registry that only offers "Live Registrations"?
Isn't that also fraud, since they have never been accredited by the Registry that is the only authority that can accept such agreements to allow other registrars to accept registrations for .biz?
Aren't they causing harm by stating that it isn't yet available when it is?
The PacificRoot is all over the search engines and .BIZ was featured in Wired magazine among others.
-- ,,, (o o) |----------------------oOO-(_)-OOo-------------------------| | Bradley D. Thornton "So foul a sky clears | | Mgr NetWork Services not without a storm" | | NOMAD Internetwork - Shakespeare - | | www.pacificroot.com | |----------------------------------------------------------| |-----On the Beaches of Super Sunny Southern California----| |----------------------------------------------------------|
-- Dan Steinberg
SYNTHESIS:Law & Technology 35, du Ravin phone: (613) 794-5356 Chelsea, Quebec fax: (819) 827-4398 J9B 1N1 e-mail:synthesis@vrx.net
-- Dan Steinberg
SYNTHESIS:Law & Technology 35, du Ravin phone: (613) 794-5356 Chelsea, Quebec fax: (819) 827-4398 J9B 1N1 e-mail:synthesis@vrx.net
-- ,,, (o o) |----------------------oOO-(_)-OOo-------------------------| | Bradley D. Thornton "So foul a sky clears | | Mgr NetWork Services not without a storm" | | NOMAD Internetwork - Shakespeare - | | www.pacificroot.com | |----------------------------------------------------------| |-----On the Beaches of Super Sunny Southern California----| |----------------------------------------------------------|