AARG! Anonymous wrote:
David Wagner wrote:
The Hollings bill was interesting not for its success or failure, but for what it reveals the content companies' agenda.
The CBDTPA, available in text form at http://www.politechbot.com/docs/cbdtpa/hollings.s2048.032102.html, does not explicitly call for legislating DRM.
What's your point? If you think the CBDTPA wasn't about legislating DRM or something like it, we must be from different planets. I'll elaborate. CBDTPA delegated power to the FCC to specify standards that all digital devices would have to implement. It is not at all surprising that CBDTPA was drafted to allow the FCC great freedom in choosing the technical details as necessary to achieve the bill's objectives. It is equally clear that supporters of the bill were pushing for some mandatory "Fritz chip", do-not-copy bit, Macrovision protection, copy protection, or other DRM-like technical measure. This issue is not going away quietly.