At 09:02 97/11/14 -0700, Tim May wrote:
At 9:12 AM -0700 11/14/97, Anonymous wrote:
At 11:42 PM 11/14/97 +0900, Joichi Ito wrote: "nsa nsa nsa nsa nsa..."
Which explains why that Japanese-produced RSA chip was suddenly withdrawn from the market shortly after Jim Bidzos held it up in fron of Congress as an example of how foolish the U.S. export laws are. The Japanese stooges were ordered by their masters in Washington to conform to U.S. policy.
--Tim May
True Tim, but we are working on ways of getting it shipped. - Joi -- PGP Key: http://pgp.ai.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2D9461F1 PGP Fingerprint: 58F3 CA9A EFB8 EB9D DF18 6B16 E48D AF2A 2D94 61F1 Home Page: http://domino.garage.co.jp/jito/joihome.nsf To subscribe to my personal mailing list send mailto:friends-subscribe@ji.to