John Young wrote:
First cpunk meeting I went to in a Chinese greaser in Manhattan, I paraded my credential and was immediately banished forever for callow by DF, SS, SL, DM, S, RA, two narcs and a PGP-pimp. And forbidden to ever have an online sig, though I had a beauty in the works which resumed more than in fact exists, as highly educated mod-up. As with Princeton's preen to lure, to manufacture, over-self- esteemeds needing protection from the janitors.
Though I don't have a Youngese-English/English-Youngese dictionary handy, I'm pretty sure I'm the SS in question. For the record, neither I nor any of the other one and two-letter personages would ever banish our good Cypherpunk compatriot, John Young. As to the presence of two narcs and a PGP-pimp, all I can say is it's news to me. S a n d y P.S. John, if it fails to communicate, it ain't art.