At 11:51 AM 12/17/97 -0800, Lizard wrote:
At 02:42 PM 12/17/97 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
At 12:37 -0500 12/17/97, Ray Arachelian wrote:
You have a CD player at home and use a walkwan when walking around, so you tape your CD's so you can listen to them. Wham! Instant jail time.
Yes, if you copy $1,000 worth of CDs within six months.
At rougly 15.00/CD, that is one CD every three days, more or less..not utterly inconveivable, but a little difficult.
Try this scenario: I have 150+ audio cd's, many of which are rare, import, out of print, or even all of the above. Since a fire could leave me missing many pieces of irreplaceable music, I had come up with a plan. Get a cd-r burner, make backup copies of my audio discs, and store them in a safe deposit box. With this law, my plan would make me a felon somewhere around the 66th disc. With the 'victimized' record company getting to create the impact statement, it might even be sooner. --Brian "But I thought everyone had CD's at the bank!" Brian Daniels | Gremlins squashed, bit-buckets emptied, briandaniels@mindspring.com | webs woven&patched, cables untangled, | users placated (extra fee), demons | invoked&dispelled, hacks while you wait! http://www.mindspring.com/~briandaniels -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 mQENAzQh2VwAAAEH/2dBsIVIAB7fx62ylTAfa2JBgSmy3pLyywtBZj88TY/EcoB5 A7wDKsh53VjqaKM9pL1F4JQ/dxVF96lhh7QMSmWB1nqa4e/FWld2f/VqZxKSHu/9 9QDW5YgydAI/0S9wBxwefpNg/Dd9PvtJwkLlE5BtBcbzVSzc9cGPpFIs/g2914QX uXTPhjNrqreC+7IBZAfTqv7LFO7NnACBS4A61/AGwey4X15gN1TzPBwgahK+SL4U 0+45TJfEg46MdGAv7+vs16u/5+l/e3eoCgySh6yKP/GQ+lV4h1u3+DztCRX5ypJz DmXlCia5f4DuHXbJWLp2kA7D1rxsntS5x1I74x0ABRG0LkJyaWFuIEwuIERhbmll bHMgPGJyaWFuZGFuaWVsc0BtaW5kc3ByaW5nLmNvbT4= =YgZn -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----