YOU CAN START YOUR OWN INTERNET BUSINESS IN YOUR SPARE TIME!!! As you know the internet is growing at a tremendous rate. And I'm sure you realize that millions of dollars are exchanged for goods and services on the internet each day. Have you ever said to yourself "I would like to use my computer too make money" (or to make more money)?? WELL YOU CAN AND WILL MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS QUICKLY AND EASILY IF YOU FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS!!! The Business program outlined below is a simplified form of E-mail marketing. Do not take this opportunity lightly, it is a powerful tool that will allow you to have your own business and start you on the path to financial freedom. I KNOW THIS BUSINESS WORKS!! IT HAS WORKED FOR ME AND IT WILL WORK FOR YOU. By the time you receive this business plan there is a good chance that I will have been removed from the system. But thats ok because I have already made a tremendous amount of money using this system, and I would like to see your life change as much as mine has. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing that I have helped many good and honest people enrich their lives. Follow the instructions listed below EXACTLY and you will be on your way. Good Luck, and share the wealth. Sincerely, Samuel Abbott Ph.D. STEP1). Get 5 pieces of 8.5"x11" paper and write: "Please add me to your information mailing list" Now take 5 $1 bills and fold $1 inside each piece of paper. Place the request and money in 5 seperate envelopes and seal. Carefully address the envelopes with the 5 addresses provided below.(Be sure to include a return address and a stamp!) Now mail the requests In a timely manner. #1) D. Ewing; 7620 Washington; Kansas City, Mo. 64114 #2) Shari Davis; 1635 Manning Way; Colorado Springs, CO. 80919 #3) J. Turner; 5460 White Oak Ave #C207, Encino, CA 91316 #4) Steve Wrubel; 3234 Nebraska Place; Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 #5) E. Bennett; 18226 Ventura Blvd #202, Tarzana, CA 91356 STEP2). Copy this entire business plan and make the following changes: Remove the #1 name off the list. Place your name in the #5 position and move the other 4 names up. (#5moves to#4, #4moves to#3, #3moves to#2, #2moves to#1) Your name is now the bottom of the list. STEP3). POST THIS ARTICLE ON AT LEAST 200 NEWSGROUPS!!!!!!! E-MAIL THIS ARTICLE TO EVERYONE YOU CAN!!!!!!! IMPORTANT NOTE: You MUST post this article to AT LEAST 200 newsgroups. There are about 45,000 newsgroups, with more being added every day. Each time you post on a newsgroup your message will be seen by many different people. You should send this article via E-mail to as many people as possible. E-mail addresses are available for free through many sources on the internet. You can also purchase E-mail lists from several companies for a very small fee. Remember it's your business and the more places you send it to, the better your chances of success! (I highly recommend that you send it out to more than 200 places). REMEMBER TO PUT A CATCHY PHRASE IN THE SUBJECT BOX. CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE JUST JOINED A GROUP OF ENTREPRENEURS! Let me review why this works..... Send out 200 articles and with a 5% response you get $10. Those 10 people send out 200 and at 5% you get $100. Those 100 people send out 200 and at 5% you get $1000. Those 1000 people send out 200 and at 5% you get $10,000. Those 10,000 people send out 200 and at 5% you get $100,000. EVERYDAY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE JOIN THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!! The above example is a perfect case scenerio. The response rate varies typically from 2% to 10%. To increase your success rate I suggest that you post this article to AT LEAST 200 newsgroups and send it to as many individuals as possible. Remember many people will see this article when it is posted on a newsgroup!! Also note that many of the people you send it to are likely to send it out to more than 200 newsgroups and people. You don't have to retype this article every time you send it, just follow the instructions below and you will see just how easy this business is. If you follow these simple instructions there is no way you can lose. Every day several thousands of people get on the internet. Don't delay start today, you'll be glad you did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POSTING TO NEWSGROUPS USING NETSCAPE: 1) Click on any newsgroup, like normal. Then click on to " To News" in the top left corner of the Newsgroups page. This will bring up a message box. 2) Fill in the subject box with a catchy phrase such as: $$$FAST CASH$$$, ARE YOU THE PERSON WHO..., or the like. 3) Now go to the message part of the box and retype this letter exactly as it is here. (The only thing you change is adding your name in the #5 position and moving the other addresses up 1 position each, thus removing the #1 name). 4) When you are done typing in the WHOLE letter, click on "File" above the send button, then "Save as..." DO NOT SEND YOUR LETTER UNTIL YOU SAVE IT!!(this is so you only have to type this once). 5) Now that you have saved the letter, go ahead and send your First copy!(click the send button in the top left corner). 6) THIS IS WHERE YOU POST AT LEAST 200 TIMES!!! OK, go to any newsgroup article and click the "To News" button. Type in Your catchy phrase in the SUBJECT BOX, then go to the body part of the message box and place your cursor there. NOW click on "Attachment" which is right below the SUBJECT BOX. Click on "attach file", then find the letter you saved, click once on your saved file, then click "Open", Then click "OK". If you did this right, you should see your filename in the attachment box and it will be shaded. NOW POST AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE USING INTERNET EXPLORER: 1) Its just as easy, Holding down the left mouse button, highlight this entire article, then press the the "CTRL" key and the "C" key at the same time to copy this letter. 2) Now go to the newsgroups and press "POST AN ARTICLE", Type in your catchy phrase in the subject box, and click the large window below. Press "CTRL" and "V" and the article will appear in the message window. **BE SURE TO MAKE YOUR ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE 5 NAMES** 3) Now re-highlight the letter and RE-COPY it so you have the changes...Then all you have to do for each newsgroup is press "CTRL" and "V" and press "POST" it's that easy!!!!! Thats it ! All you have to do is jump to different newsgroups and post away. For both methods it only takes about 30 seconds to post to each newsgroup. Once you get the hang of it. REMEMBER THE MORE NEWSGROUPS YOU POST TO THE MORE MONEY YOU MAKE!! YOU MUST POST TO A MINIMUM OF 200 NEWSGROUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should start receiving replies within a week or so (sometimes they come within days) BE SURE TO SEND OUT $1 TO THE PEOPLE ON THE LIST PROMPTLY!!!!!!!!! PERSISTENCE AND HONESTY WILL REAP YOU HUGE REWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT TO LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS YOU BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR JUST $5 YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER: THE PERSON WHO DARES NOTHING, NEED NOT HOPE FOR ANYTHING. Print this article so you have the addresses to send to, and the information on file.