I get a feeling that we get new ones almost daily. I heard a story on CNN[1] last night. I was doing 2 other things at the same time. It went as follows: * a perp mail-ordered some bio materials that could be used to breed viruses * Unfortunately, there's no law against it. However the company he bought it from calls the feds * The police searched the perp's house and found guns and "white supremacist" literature. Apparently they got the search warrant solely on his mail order. * Unfortunately, the gun control laws need to be strengtheed * The perp hasn't been charged with anything. He claims (much irony in the talk head's voice) that he's a patriot, not a terrorist, and is working on a survavalist manifesto of some sort. (Apparently the sucker talked to a journalist.) Perhaps someone can find this on the CNN Web site. Fox News is much superior to CNN. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps