*** Attention Internet Marketers ... Look no further. *** 30 MILLION PLUS E-MAIL ADDRESSES - ONLY US$149! (Please Note: introductory offer - we encourage you to act soon.) WorldWide Marketing Group is pleased to finally offer to the direct marketer, the culmination of its intensive 6 month long project in compiling the single largest e-mail address list available anywhere - over 30 million e-mail addresses free of duplicates, one per line and alphabetically sorted - for only US$149! This is real... there is NO catch! This massive list of AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, Genie, Delphi, Microsoft Network and general Internet addresses, is split into 120 easily manageable zip-files of 250,000 addresses each and is delivered to you on CD-ROM via regular mail (..sorry, but the sheer size of this list makes it unfeasible to deliver via diskette or allow downloading via FTP). Also, this list is CLEAN! There are NO duplicates, NO embedded spaces, NO trailing or embedded white noise characters, NO garbage addresses with more than one '@' character, NO embedded parentheses '(' or ')', NO addresses beginning with non-valid characters (..addresses must begin with 0-9 or a-z), and all are in lower-case. Once unzipped using PKUNZIP (included), or WinZip (evaluation version for Win95 included), these files are ready for use with your favorite bulk mailing software (ie. ExtractorPro, Stealth mailer, FloodGate, etc). Indeed, this is absolutely the *best* offer around for the direct marketer, and will finally put the little guy on even ground with even the biggest bulk e-mailers! Bulk e-mail is still in its infancy and is the new wave in cost-effective global marketing. This huge list offers a whole world of vast potential sales for you and your products - get on board now before you find yourself left behind. We wish you success and we'll see you at the top! To order via e-mail, please send a message first to: worldwide@savetrees.com . and we will respond to you with instructions on how to e-mail to us your credit card number (Visa/Mastercard/American Express) in a secure manner. Or to order via regular mail, please send bank draft, money order (..sorry, no personal or business cheques please) or your credit card information to: Worldwide Marketing Group Box 48029 Bedford, NS Canada B4A 3Z2 Thank you very much and sorry for the intrusion... Sincerely, Worldwide Marketing Group P.S: Please allow a couple of weeks for delivery as we are experiencing a large backlog of orders.