Harmon Seaver wrote:
"Preservation is not a new idea; it has been the law in the United States for nearly five years,'' the statement said.
Preservation of logs is "the law"? That's news to me. I've never preserved a log over the 4 weeks or so that the default unix config.
Not only that, but we don't and have never kept any sort of router logs, which is really what they would be after, I'd think. And we are the ISP for all the libraries in the whole NE part of MN. Just think of all those perverts and narco-terrorists using the free internet access in our libraries to keep in touch with Osama anonymously. Shame on us, shame, shame! -- Harmon Seaver, MLIS Systems Librarian Arrowhead Library System Virginia, MN (218) 741-3840 hseaver@arrowhead.lib.mn.us http://harmon.arrowhead.lib.mn.us