There are no telling how many lives could be saved if the press wrote meaningfully about the inevitability of chickens coming home to roost instead of supporting the notion that the solution to a crowing cock is to cut his head off.
The only newspaper article I've read about such matters was written about three months ago by Joseph Sobran(sp?). He's a regular libertarian pundent in the Las Vegas Review Journal's Sunday edition, and certainly not mainstream. If 60-minutes, or an equivalent TV journal, would have the nerve to carry such a segment it might open quite a few eyes which will otherwise remain closed. --Steve PGP mail preferred Fingerprint: FE 90 1A 95 9D EA 8D 61 81 2E CC A9 A4 4A FB A9 Key available on BAL server, http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~bal/pks-toplev.html --------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Schear | tel: (702) 658-2654 CEO | fax: (702) 658-2673 First ECache Corporation | 7075 West Gowan Road | Suite 2148 | Las Vegas, NV 89129 | Internet: azur@netcom.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- I know not what instruments others may use, but as for me, give me Ecache or give me debt. SHOW ME THE DIGITS!