At 21:55 7/21/96, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
As I said, the kid who hit me in the head with a stick was 3-4 years younger than me. You skipped that part. Correspondently, I could beat him easily (I did, but his mother soon interrupted me), which was obvious to him. So he had plenty of information that would deter a rational person. He had all the reasons to "to curb his impulse", as you said, and he could have thought about his punishment.
Yes, he hit you. But the question relevant to this discussion is: would he have hit you had you been carrying a firearm, risking not just being beat up, but death itself? I sincerely doubt it. In fact, one could say that you were hit *because* you didn't carry a firearm. The truth is, an armed society is a polite society. -- Lucky Green <mailto:shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. Defeat the Demopublican Unity Party. Vote no on Clinton/Dole in November. Vote Harry Browne for President.