(Choate's various lists, like Inferno and Sci-Tech, removed. We got rid of Hettinga's massive list profusion, so adding Choate's seems ill-advised.) At 10:57 PM -0500 1/8/01, Declan McCullagh wrote:
Watched it, ET giving me a 3 hr advantage over you golden staters.
Ah, but we wired golden staters have satellite, which gives us PBS East. However, I was enjoying the warm temps in Santa Cruz, though nippy after dark, so you are, it turns out, correct.
A definite passover except for last 10 minutes, Echelon-dodging making the spooks limber enough to Macarena with Clipper Chip-endorsing Al with dispatch. "Trust us," DIRNSA proudly proclaims, with Church bells ringing in the near distance. Of note is latest permutation of horsemen riding in on backs of Defcon-going hackers as justification for existence of The Agency That Shall Not Be Named.
-Declan, channeling JYA
--Tim, reading about JYA's subpoena just after reading Levy's account of how we won the crypto war. Hmmmhhhh. (and after having just caught the late afternoon matinee of "Traffic," the excellent film about the nonwinning of the War on Some Drugs) BTW, no apparent subpoenas for moi, which is good. Ignoring both CJ Parker/Toto and Jim Bell, except for a couple of early responses, seems to have insulated me well. -- Timothy C. May tcmay@got.net Corralitos, California Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns