On Tuesday, October 16, 2001, at 05:02 PM, Greg Broiles wrote:
It's when the shit hits the fan that you find out what people are really made of and what they really think, instead of the marketing crap made available during nicer times.
Amen. The "rush to statism" that some authors at Reason, The Wall Street Journal, Wired, and all of the other Usual Suspects have engaged in should not be forgotten. What happened in New York City was horrible for the targets, but so are a lot of things. Suspending civil liberties, as tens of millions of Americans are clamoring to have done, is despicable. "I want to show that I am a patriot. I vote that we allow our police to enter our homes whenever they want to look through our diaries and letters...I have nothing to hide!" This is turning out to be a useful exercise. When it is over, sort of, we will know better who our enemies are. --Tim May, Corralitos, California Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." --Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.