On Sunday, April 20, 2003, at 02:47 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
-- On 20 Apr 2003 at 9:03, Harmon Seaver wrote:
So the native americans here before 1492 weren't free? They did, of course, have private property -- whatever they could carry with them -- but the land was held in common.
I think you have been reading the fake Chief Seattle speech.
Which one? The one where he wrote the Federalist Papers or the one where he did the Constitution? One of the strongest arguments that Columbus was not the first European in America is the Magna Carta. It's a crass copy of the Qctzlzacopec Codex, written by the wise Aztecs hundreds of years prior to 1215. (Or so I am starting a rumor about.) --Tim May (.sig for Everything list background) Corralitos, CA. Born in 1951. Retired from Intel in 1986. Current main interest: category and topos theory, math, quantum reality, cosmology. Background: physics, Intel, crypto, Cypherpunks