b r u t e f o r c e w r e s t l i n g . ............................................................ BFW HANDBOOK Last Revised: 4.22.98 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BFW INTRODUCTION: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Screw organization with those "preppy handbooks," Screw the weenies that take e-Wrestling seriously, and screw the critics. Do you think you're a tough guy? Are you _brutal_? Are you sure? You can't be sure unless you strut your stuff in the paragon of e-Wrestling fun, the BFW (Brute Force Wrestling). We don't really care what all the other fed heads think, and we're going to approach this federation a little differently. No longer will you see the 20k BORING as hell matches, we're going to keep them short, with the occasional overdrive. Now let me ask you, do you REALLY see 55 minute matches on regular broadcasts such as RAW or Nitro? I don't. Maybe on a PPV, but we'll stretch our matches on PPVs a little. Anywhoo, what will this short match process result in? Fewer late cards, I know you all love that. What else will make this fed fun? We'll give magazines instead of updates, updates usually just have the same stuff anyway. In fact, I always skip to the rankings when I read an update. We'll show you a good product with our magazine. In-depth articles, and must-read writing. Do you think you're up for it? If so, fill out this application form, but remember, we can only fit 20 singles wrestler's and 10 tags on our roster. But beware... those who enter shall never leave... for they will be engulfed in fun and excitement, and they'll never even shed the thought of leaving! Thanks, Sean and Chris -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BFW ROLEPLAYING: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BFW is a booked wrestling league, meaning that you roleplay to win matches. We do not use TNM, WLS, or any other simulator. All matches are hand written for the most exciting action anywhere. The only rule for roleplaying is that you must do it often. If you don't roleplay for a month, you're history. We may keep you around as a scrub and job the hell out of you, ruining your reputation. We may also just kick you out of the fed completely. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BFW SPECIFICS: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Headquarters: BFW Arena in Salt Lake City, Utah Cards: House shows (Quick Result Report sent out weekly) Tuesday's televised show, BFW Tuesday Tap-Out Friday's televised show, BFW Friday Fright Night Monthly Pay-Per-View events Titles: BFW World Heavy-Weight Champion BFW World Tag Team Champions BFW Network Champion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BFW APPLICATION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======================== YOUR INFORMATION: Hey, we can get to know ya. ======================== YOUR NAME - YOUR AGE - (optional) ======================== WRESTLER'S INFORMATION: Duh! ======================== WRESTLER'S NAME - ALLIGNMENT - (heel/face/neutral) WRESTLER'S HEIGHT - (nothing above 7", please) WRESTLER'S WEIGHT - (nothing extraordinary here, either) WRESTLER'S LOOKS - (breif description here. Add in attire) WRESTLER'S HISTORY - (Who, what, where, why, when?) TWENTY MOVES YOUR WRESTLER APPLIES - YOUR WRESTLER'S FINISHING MANEUVER - DESCRIBE IT - (it doesn't have to be TOO complex) YOUR WRESTLER'S MANAGER - (optional) YOUR WRESTLER'S THEME MUSIC - (nothing other than music done by real musicians, no real wrestler music) ======================== TAG TEAM INFORMATION (Optional) ======================== NAME OF TAG TEAM - WHO DOES HE TAG WITH? - TAG TEAM FINISHER - DESCRIBE IT -