Detect & eliminate spam BEFORE it gets to your mail client! Tired of the hundreds of unsolicited commercial email (UCE) infiltrating you mailbox everyday? Now you can do something about it! Seek and Destroy all unwanted junk e-mail at the click of a button, BEFORE it reaches your mailbox! 


  • Connects to any pop3 server! Eliminates spam BEFORE it reaches your mailbox!
  • Unlimited Account capability! Add as many e-mail accounts as you desire
  • User friendly, graphic interface makes spamscanner very easy to use
  • Scan manually, or let the scanner scan automatically at an auto time interval


Please Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message
We do concede, a signicant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.
This email was sent to you on behalf of the the coalition for responsible internet marketing. You are receiving this email because you purchased a product from us in the past, or downloaded software from one of our websites and agreed to allow us to send you offers.  If you wished to be removed from this mailing, please utilize our automated removal system here.  If you request to be removed, we guarantee that you will never receive another email from us, but ONLY through the use of this product can you ensure that you do not receive ANY commercial emails