William Geiger <whgiii@amaranth.com> writes
Paul Bradley <paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk> writes:
I live in mainland England. NI, although still violent, is now not the only place bombed by the IRA, until a few years ago they mainly attacked targets in NI, they now bomb all over the country.
Well I can only see this as a good thing. :)
It is the people of England that support that illegal occupation of Irish soil by Brittish troops. It is only right that they should have to suffer the consequences.
Personally I would be happy for all UK police and military forces to pull out of Northern Ireland. Give it back to them, see if I care. What difference can it make to me? Foreign intervention is a waste of time in my book. However, here are a few things you might be interested to know. I understand the majority of people in Northern Ireland do not want to be part of Southern Ireland. The people in NI have been there for multiple generations, and probably also don't want to be relocated to England. Many of these people are English descent and their ancestors where given land by the British government which was stolen from native Irish about 300 years ago. They have also intermarried. British government was brutal at that time, before they turned soft and lost their empire. (You might see parallels with the US, where you guys are also living on stolen property). Perhaps most NI people would not actually be that badly off if they were part of SI. You should also realise that IRA and supporters are minority in NI today, for a sense of perspective. In the mean time the IRA and the opposing paramilitary organisation blow up, assasinate, knee-cap each other, protestants, catholics, joy riders, and a few innocent bystanders, and I think both deal in drugs, and are involved in organised crime to fund their activities. IRA makes attempts to blow up UK politicians. Managed to smuggle rocket launcher in van with hole cut in roof to within a few hundred yards of 10 Downing St. But they missed. (Dimitri says: shame, shame, and increases Sinn Fein campaign contributions in the hope they are better funded next time.) (I forget name, but there is a non-governmental paramilitary group on other side to IRA in NI, occasionally there is rumor that British Army is feeding this paramilitary organisation names of IRA suspects to hit, to save them the trouble). You guys remember the Faulkland Islands thing under Thatcher? Some miniscule lump of rock with a few hundred sheep farmers on it? UK government sent warships etc at multiple billion cost. Would've been cheaper to desert rock, and give each and every inhabitant a cool $1 million relocation expenses. But no, had to waste money because some alterior motive, suitable missile outpost or something. Wonder what the interest is in Northern Ireland? Should give the Irish (go Paddy) back Northern Ireland, Scottish autonomy also (haggis home rule:-). Wales (leeks) too, yeah. Fragmented government is a good thing, divide and conquer. I understand the Muslims want their own government over here also! Some Scottish people want home rule (Scottish Independence Party?), they had a vote on it and lost a while back. Wales is a poor part of the country, some richer people have bought second home holiday cottages in picturesque welsh country side. Result: drives up prices for poorer locals. A few welsh started burning down such cottages. Some Welsh also want independence. They have road signs in English and in a language which most of the locals can't even read. Similar thing in Southern Ireland. (Desparately hanging on to heritage). Adam ps Paddy is generic name for an Irishman, a haggis is a stuffed part of sheeps anatomy, a peculiar highland delicacy, nick name for Scotsman, leek is a vegetable, some kind of Welsh emblem, and used as name for Welshman. Scots call English Sasenachs (I lived in Scotland for a couple of years, you get so you can understand what it is they're saying after a while :-). Not sure of Welsh and Irish names for English. US name is `Limey'. OK `Yankees' :-) Vote Indian home rule: Running Deer for president.