Wew. The Son Of Gomez key I just decrypted and posted... it's not just _any_ Toto key, it's _the_ key. The 0x2541C535 one, the one that signed the message in question. Try it out. [1] the message, [2] the keys. (http://www.well.com/user/declan/toto/toto.pgp.120997.txt) (Subject line in archives was "Encrypted InterNet DEATH THREAT!!!"). Implications? Others had CJs keys? Toto is someone other than CJ? Adam [1] ====================================================================== -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- "Contrary to one famous philosopher, you're saying the medium is not the message," Judge Thomas Nelson said, alluding to the media theorist Marshall McLuhan. http://www.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/120997encrypt-bernstein.html Bullshit! The bits and bytes of email encryption are a clear message that I wish to exercise my right to speak freely, without those who wish to do me harm invading my privacy. The death of strong encryption on the InterNet will be the global death of free speech on the InterNet. Accordingly, I feel it is necessary to make a stand and declare that I stand ready and willing to fight to the death against anyone who takes it upon themselves to try to imprison me behind an ElectroMagnetic Curtain. This includes the Ninth Distric Court judges, if they come to the conclusion that the government that they represent needs to electronically imprison their citizens 'for their own safety.' The problem: Criminals with a simple encryption program can scramble their data beyond even the government's ability to read it. http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/content/zdnn/1208/261695.html Fuck the lame LEA pricks who whine about not being able to stop someone bringing in a planeload of drugs without being able to invade the privacy of every person on the face of the earth. Am I supposed to believe that I have knowledge of when and where major drug shipments are taking place, simply by virtue of hanging out as a musician, yet the LEA's are incapable of finding out the same information by being competent in their profession? Barf City... [I will shortly provide information for any LEA which wishes to prosecute me for my coming 'physical' death threat, on how to hunt me down like the filthy dog that I am.] "Why are you saying that the fact that [encryption] is functional takes it out of the First Amendment context?" Myron Bright, one of the judges, asked the Justice Department attorney, who was still in mid-sentence. He answered that the regulations were not aimed at suppressing speech, but only at the physical capacity of encryption to thwart government intelligence gathering. The Spanish language has the same "physical capacity." So does (:>), (;[), and {;-|). Likewise, BTW, FWIW, FYI, and my own personal favorite, YMMV (You Make Me Vomit? --or-- Your Mileage May Vary?). <-- Ambidextrous encryption. An-cay e-way pect-exay ig-pay atin-lay usts-bay of ildren-chay? Whispering also has the "physical capacity" to "thwart government intelligence gathering." When does the bullshit stop? When do we stop making the use of the Spanish language over the InterNet illegal? When do we stop making whispering, pig-latin, anagrams and acronyms illegal? When do we stop saying that our government is such a piece of crap that it is a danger to let its citizens communicate freely, in private, and share their private thoughts with one another? At one point Fletcher called the government's case "puzzling." http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,17114,00.html Only because her mom taught her that it was unladylike to say "Bullshit!" In arguments Monday, a Justice Department lawyer, Scott McIntosh, said the government's intent was to preserve the ability of intelligence agencies to eavesdrop on foreign governments and citizens. http://www.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/120997encrypt-bernstein.html Let's see if I have this right... The U.S. government needs to destroy the right to free speech and right to privacy of its own citizens in order to infringe upon the human rights of the governments and citizens of other countries? Countries which already have strong encryption? Countries like Red China, which is currently engaged in encryption research with an American company who got permission to export much more diverse encryption material (after making a huge campaign donation to the Whitehouse) than Professor Bernstein will ever likely share with others? Apologies to Judge Fletcher, but that's not "puzzling." That's the same-old-same-old Bullshit! OFFICIAL 'PHYSICAL' DEATH THREAT!!! The pen is mightier than the sword. Thus, I prefer to wage my 'war to the death' against those who would stomp on my basic human rights *"in the interests of National Security"* with my electronic pen, on the InterNet, using encryption when I have reason to fear persecution by Facist, Nazi motherfuckers. [* ~~ TruthMonger Vernacular Translation ~~ "so that the government can maintain its authority over the citizens by use of force and violation of human rights, rather than going to all of the trouble of acting in a manner that will garner the citizens' respect."] I will continue to express my thoughts through the words I send electronically over the InterNet, both publically and privately. I will fight to the bandwidth death against anyone who wants to deny me my right to express my opinions and access the opinions of those who also wish to express their own opinions and share their true thoughts with their fellow humans. If the ElectronicMagnetic Curtain slams down around me, then I will have no choice but to continue my current fight in MeatSpace. And I am not alone... I will share the same 'DEATH THREAT!!!' with Judges Fletcher, Nelson and Bright that I have shared with the President and a host of Congressional and Senatorial representatives: "You can fuck some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you are going to end up in a body bag or a pine box before you manage to fuck all of the people all of the time." Am *I* going to whack you out? Maybe... I would prefer just dumping some tea in Boston Harbor, if that will get my message across in MeatSpace, but if it won't, then I guess I will have to take stronger action. There are undoubtedly a plethora of LEA's ready and willing to prosecute and imprison me for agreeing with Patrick Henry, who said, "Give me liberty, or give me death." The irony, of course, is that I do not pose a great danger to anyone but myself as long as I continue to have my human rights and my liberty unthreatened. The chances of me actually getting off of my fat butt and going out into the real world to whack out the enemies of freedom are probably pretty small (unless I run out of cigarettes and beer, and wouldn't have to make an extra trip). I fully understand that this does not lessen the potential of any LEA who gets a wild hair up their butt to throw a mountain of taxpayer resources into prosecuting me and imprisoning me for their own professional/political gain. However, if you are performing actions so outrageously against basic human rights and freedoms as to get me off of my lazy ass, then I am the least of your problems, because there undoubtedly are millions of people more functional than myself (who get out of the house and go further than the liquor store) who are less willing than myself to put up with increasingly heavy chains placed around their hands and feet 'in the interests of national security.' Feel free to have the Federales break down my door and imprison me for pointing out the obvious. After all, I fit the profile of a domestic terrorist--I quote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and I speak out against increasingly big government. But remember...it's the quiet ones you've got to watch... If you force everyone to 'be quiet', then you've got a world of trouble on your hands. Sincerly, John Gilmore <gnu@toad.com> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p.s. NOTICE TO LEA AGENTS IN NEED OF A CAREER BOOST! Yes, I'm just a troublemaking asshole, trying to get John <spit> Gilmore <fart> in trouble. However, if you want to go to the trouble of tracking me down, I will give you some hints, since it seems likely that anyone who has trouble finding a ton of cocaine at an airport might not be competent in CyberSpace, either. You might want to check with the Webmasters at the sites quoted above to see who has accessed their web sites this morning. The anonymous remailer I will be using is an open secret to CypherPunks around the world as a really bad attempt at disguising my true MeatSpace identity. This alone ought to be enough for some aggressive young LEA and/or federal prosecutor to earn themself some brownie-points, since I am a sorry enough son-of-a-bitch that they would not have much trouble convicting me in front of a jury of 'their' peers, assuming that they can make certain that I am not tried by a jury of my own peers. Bonus Points: I can also be tied into Jim Bell's Worldwide Conspiracy to assassinate government authorities, through my implementation of an Assassination Bot. (I am willing to 'rat out' Jim for two bottles of Scotch. If he is willing to rat _me_ out for less, then I guess it's just my hard luck, eh? <--that's another hint!) p.p.s. You can also charge me with use of 'conventional' encryption in the commission of a crime. Must be your lucky fucking day, eh? -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBNI24Hs5WpAclQcU1AQFaggP8CPTVy8EAY3JbIG94frc3C70MW0hUznmp fRgBrq7m5tLGjX7fh3/s4fpTnQi+xUvRUroFETlR6KhM3srSy456wovpFlcLp7uc xk31cRPEroFhO9NRVBUjzToCj78iDvdGm9QXUwLctbbohpdId/KKLTAUM6//4mCB i/9oezfegWc= =4/6E -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- [2] ====================================================================== -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAzRiaHcAAAEEAPdnnUJRJoktl6tMtRcrV330FvNPok4FvTMOT82V0lIRA7ZQ jiAcv4Egm8nx6M6dc75eWIIPo4gZOWf5xjZzN8XjD2ytwMNqQnis0RMN9OI8ysk2 I7frJO0FNLikupHf+tUMhDc52qQbOcsVC53GZ8FdwY1zzaX7Dc5WpAclQcU1AAUR tB9zb24gb2YgZ29tZXogPEluZm9XYXJAZGV2Lm51bGw+iQCVAwUQNGJph85WpAcl QcU1AQFXPQQA8adaDwM3DnttrJPTjUd9I/fQ6q73Zvp6oLPP3MSon4uEbIVJryPB wZYfcjXb6Co84XFpaL8shtgP0cHYRZDfQraCwsaJWOm1Lh+ZhZyqHh2oF4QrpOhm A5YzxYI7SX3GIu/X1XO5vcb+BnJqbl2+RUaHnGqcwwrwxjSc1stGwJ4= =Yx4A -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -----BEGIN PGP SECRET KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 lQHgAzRiaHcAAAEEAPdnnUJRJoktl6tMtRcrV330FvNPok4FvTMOT82V0lIRA7ZQ jiAcv4Egm8nx6M6dc75eWIIPo4gZOWf5xjZzN8XjD2ytwMNqQnis0RMN9OI8ysk2 I7frJO0FNLikupHf+tUMhDc52qQbOcsVC53GZ8FdwY1zzaX7Dc5WpAclQcU1AAUR AUzSerlWWdq7A/+EGrDs3oHlVDzmPEouO2m1gWLN6erKPgd5tiB7eWECJoiRC9AU Va2LJLxltmNKIq9znAMeeCpI3nirprYgHMvyASVPrXIo4WXB0NGSyTXSGFbmbfBA ZhIzgLYfSV7KC9e340B4wqQv/hSGyc9p7/umXgdccspoXM4fIwddYNt0+QIA+XS0 WUPNqr4lyW47GVAhFIuoYsTLi+ZTRRQbS2LAyV2dhGSFVo1Q1HrB/S58dQFTaN85 lRytpZKX2dc+9VC3JgIATZegUu3m2FmRMf7kr0IsRV94q0lxQm4egMPdru6CQGZl G7K9uGX/d/Rbtd0iP7aZ1iNDpgSakmNl5o3aYupCdQIAir0t68n1g91DzWwOMJKF 7E9fmQ21a7a2rDGk+5SV9nw3PxGwx/64CPHriDQz/ItYLPZKpHVLysuFGavYUFX/ 26JZtB9zb24gb2YgZ29tZXogPEluZm9XYXJAZGV2Lm51bGw+ =yYBi -----END PGP SECRET KEY BLOCK-----