This happens to Greg Broiles <gbroiles@netbox.com> writes:
There will be another meeting of that group on 12/9/97 at 9 AM in the (Herbert C., not J. Edgar) Hoover Building, Room 3884, between Pennsylvania & Constitution Avenues, NW, in Washington DC. The agenda is:
3. Update on the encryption regulation.
This happens to be during IETF, which happens to be in DC, which means a large number of prominent cryptographers and implementors from all over the world will be in town. Is it worth showing up? Maybe the BXA can ask them how they manage to get the stuff from the US even though it's export controlled :-)
[Closed session] 9. Discussion of matters properly classified under Executive Order 19958, dealing with U.S. export control program and strategic criteria related thereto.
How closed? Marc