*** The Fire House Inn *** Come visit us Telnet: fhouse.org WWW: fhouse.org *********** Deaf Cons 5.9.3 - SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!! _______________________________________________ Rob Brezsny''s Horoscopes / Week of August 6-12: Taurus (APRIL 20-MAY 20):Some Jews regard their houses as a more sacred place of worship than the synagogue. Many pagans feel no need to confine their celebrations to any special building, but offer their prayers to the earth and sky. Several Zen Buddhists I've known have claimed they're as likely to find enlightenment while microwaving a burrito under the flourescent lights of a convenience store as when meditating on a straw mat in a monastery. In the spirit of these seekers, Taurus, I exhort you to look for divine inspiration in both the strangest and most familiar places this week--anywhere other than where it's "supposed" to be. Since I have been OfficiallyExhorted to seek divine inspiration in "both the strangest and familiar places," I guess this is as good a time as any to KILL two LarryBirds with one WindowPaneStone, and seek DivineInspiration in a place that is both strange and familiar to me--TheOtherSideOfMadness (TM). Since my efforts to SaveTheLifeOfAMillionSingleInnocentChildren, by going to great lengths to research and deal with my various physical/mental/emotional infirmities to the best of my ability, have been constantly thwarted by a variety of Officially Recognized Authorities who have taken it upon themselves to steal and/or deny me access to the tools and techniques that I use to minimize the effects of my dsyfuntions and disabilities, I think it is time to submit to the wishes of the Controllers and cease all efforts to attempt to exercise control over my dysfunctionality in a manner that has proven successful, for the most part, to date. Accordingly, I hereby serve notice that "I Quit!" Since the Contollers seem to find it unacceptable for me to release the tension that builds in my psyche by screaming the Truth (TM) about the Villainous Nature of Mounties trained in the use of ArmedViolence casually slaughtering a FirstNations mother and the young child clinging to her skirt, for no apparent reason other than a lack of incentive to resolve a conflict peacefully, given the fact that whacking out a WagonBurnerBitch and her Future Young GlueSniffer will inevitably be found justifiable by his RCMP BumBuddies during their investigation of his murder, then I will no longer do so. Instead, I will just let the SenseOfInjustice ferment inside of me. Since Lost Wages LEA's deem it necessary for me to remove the chains securing my baggage in the back of my truck, in order to chain my dog 'legally' outside of my truck (where it is five degrees hotter than inside the truck, since I am willing to go without food to provide her with enough blocks of ice to provide her with comfort and safety), thus enabling their local junkies to go through my possessions and steal all of my medications, then far be it from me to go against their wishes for me to drift into unmedicated savagery rather than disobey the letter of laws written by Imbeciles who aren't half as smart as my dog, Baby, who immediately jumped back into the truck through the open window, dragging the chain with her, wondering why the fuck these uniformed Idiots expected her to lay on hot concrete instead of a nice, cool block of ice. (I urge you, at your next local, state and federal elections, to vote for Baby as a WriteInCandidate. In her recent TV debate with Buddy, the FirstDog, Baby told him, "I *knew* Lassie...and you're no Lassie...") Since files pulled off of the RCMP and various other Canadian Government computer systems indicate their desire to apply pressure to me while I am in a state of under-medication they might find this an opportune time to once again engage in their spurious activities (all the time wearing KevlarJackets while keeping their fingers crossed that I will vent my PsychoticWrath in the directions suggested by the Bienfait Nutly News "KILL The Children!!!" Special, rather in their directionO. In effect, given the apparent unacceptability of my attempting to control the effects of my disabilities with my own time-proven tools and techiques, I will cease doing so, and allow the Controllers to accept the responsibility of providing me with the medicatopms amd tools needed to keep my dysfuntionality from becoming a problem to Society. Given the recent massive amounts of concern expressed about disabled individuals such as the gentleman who shot his way into the Hallowed Halls of the US Legislature building in DC, one might think that my future attempts to have the Controllers provide me with medication and health care, in order to help me to prevent my disability from causing unwanted consequences to the society that I live in, might be met with joyful enthusiasm. Right...and I've got some OceanFrontPropertyInTucsonArizona that has a 1500 mile sandy beach bordering on the Pacific Ocean... Congressmen...Smoke 'em if you got 'em... [Final Note From The Author:If Defcon McCullagh Chainsaw was half the ReportWhore he claims to be, he wouldn't have to ask me, "Why do you send your missives to the CypherPunks list?" The answer, "Because I am a CypherPunk." is the *short* answer. What it implies, in essence, is that the CypherPunks Distributed Mailing List is a DigitalGlobalCommunity which reflects what the InterNet Communities of the Future *should* be. GeoPhysicallyLocated MeatSpace Communities may reflect the convergence of people with similar lifestyles and values, for the most part, but they do not consist of BlackSmith communities in which only BlackSmiths live, etc. Just as a foundling country known as the United States of America was built around the idea of Freedom&Democracy in which the Citizenry was deemed to have the right to live according to a wide variety of lifestyles, with diverse religious and secular beliefs, a CypherPunks list that was founded in the interests of promoting Encryption, Privacy and Freedom would be a stark landscape, indeed, if it were only occupied by individuals with a narrow range of attitudes, mindsets, and perceptive world-views. Tim May commented in a post, at one point, that the list was poorer for the current absence of some of the more statist nay-sayers to the more common CypherPunks views and positions, particularly those who brought a modicum of thought and reason to their posts to the list. I enjoyed firing cynical, acidic salvos at Kent Crispin as much as anyone else on the list did, but I regarded him as a valuable member of the CypherPunks community--one who caused me, more than once, to recognize the value of concepts and ideas that ran contrary to my normal way of viewing life around me. Dr. Dimitri Vulis, ShitDisturberExtraordinaire, provided one of the most poignant moments in CypherPunks History by interpreting his forced unsubscribing from the list as censorship, and routing around it. I hope that John Gilmore, one of the premiere contributors to the existence of the CypherPunks Legendary Lunacy Collective, eventually looked in the mirror one morning and said, "Boy, am I a SillyAss, or what?" Even the list members who bore us with that mathematical crap, showing off just because they can count to 21 without taking off their mittens and their shoes, and pulling out their Dick, contribute to the list, by making us look good in the eyes of those who mistakenly believe that there are more important things in life than discussing Ebonics and pissing all over each other and ourselves. And where else can a WannaBeNuclearSuitcaseMadBomber ask a simple question like, "Where do I connect the 'yellow' wire?" and get a thirty-post thread discussing PlutoniumDecayRates. Is it any wonder that Robert Hettinga *loves* this list? In closing, let me remind you that: "Lassie kills chickens!" "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." "He who shits on the road will meet flies upon his return." ~The Author]