Issue 2.1a, August 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: No unsolicited email is sent. If you do not want to be on the mailing list please say "REMOVE" in the subject line and return this message in the body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear One Nation supporter in NSW, -------------- One Nation and media reporting: There appears to be a discernable move by certain journalists in Australia to look back upon the professionalism (or lack of it) of their own profession in their reporting on Pauline Hanson and One Nation over the last few years. The reflective mood appears to have stemmed from the eviction of a Queensland Times journalist and photographer from a press conference a few weeks back for what Mrs Hanson saw as 'unbalanced' reporting by the paper in the lead up to the Queensland State Election. On Monday night (10th August) the ABC's Four Corners programme will be looking at One Nation and the media. A book is currently being written by a well-know political commentator, author and publisher who will be looking at the same theme. In relation to this subject - you might find a One Nation's members firsthand viewpoint on the recent 60 Minutes debate between established mainstream party representatives and One Nation members of interest: The agreed format of the debate is clearly in dispute. --------------- The recent Nicholas street rally in Ipswich: The Ipswich City Council took the extreme, undemocratic step of locking Mrs Hanson out of the Ipswich Civic Centre last week. Undaunted Mrs Hanson went ahead with the rally to address her constituents in the seat of Oxley in the open street. She faced about 500 supporters and about 100 protesters in an explosive environment which was handled, as always, with great professionalism by the Queensland police. Full report with pictures here: Your rights if confronted by protesters (1914 Crimes Act) are also outlined at this link. --------------- The One Nation Website: This has been upgraded and is now fully searchable. There is also a new "theme" based page to give you clues to accessing specific areas within what has become a massive historical archive on One Nation. See: --------------- The One Nation on-line discussion forum: In another first One Nation MPs are now interacting directly with and taking notes from the One Nation discussion board. Another Australian first by One nation. You may join the participants on this moderated discussion board by sending an email to the writer. The discussion board can be seen at: GWB Scott Balson