"50 million Americans can't be wrong." Let's see, there are 300M Americans...this is a logical flaw, an appeal to the majority when in fact it isn't even a majority. http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/25/congress.no.call/index.html Now let me make this clear I support the do-not-call list, in fact I believe it should be the defacto and people should have to sign up to be called, not the other way around. Such an approach would resolve the 'unsolicted' issues as well. As usual we have the cart in front of the horse. -- -- God exists because mathematics is consistent, and the Devil exist because we can't prove it. Andre Weil, in H. Eves, Mathematical Circles Adieu ravage@ssz.com jchoate@open-forge.com www.ssz.com www.open-forge.com